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Autumn 1 - Week 4 update

Here is your weekly update for Week 4 of the Autumn 1 (Week Commencing 23.9.24) 

Autumn 1 – Week 3 Complete

This week has been just as awesome as week 2. It has been a little quieter round school as the Y4 children went on their residential to Castleton (and stole Mrs Pritchard too haha) but the Y3’s have embraced the change and got on with business as usual. They have worked incredibly hard and showing they are settling into the Rosehill way.

• We still have a number of our parents/carers who have not connected to our class dojo. This is a great resource for parents to see all the wonderful things our classes get up to whilst at school. Please check your emails and get in contact if you have any problems logging in.

• All children need their PE kit on Monday and Thursday this week. We have had an increasing number of children not bringing kits into school. It is school policy for children to have a change of clothing for PE. Please make sure your child has the correct kit in school.

• If you child has their ears pierced and cannot remove their own earrings, could parents/carers please ensure these are removed before the start of the school day.

• Children should be bringing their school books home and returning with them every day.

• Parents/carers should regularly be updating boom reader with the books their child has read at home. The online application has been replaced with the old-style reading journals. If you need any help with this, please pop in and see us we will be happy to help you. We thank all parent/carers for their support with home reading/learning.

• We have a number of children coming to school in the incorrect uniform. Please can parent/carers ensure children are wearing the correct items. This information can be found on our website or by contacting the school office.

• The weather is very unpredictable at the moment, so politely ask that children come prepared with hats, water bottles, coats and appropriate footwear.

• All children have come home with a login for TT Rockstars. This is an application we promote and use a lot in school as it is a great way for children to learn their timetables. Multiplication and timetables are key for your child to become successful in maths.

This week’s learning:

In English, the children will be continuing to write their descriptive setting.

In Maths, the children are looking at place value and how to partition numbers to 1000.

In reading, we are looking at a book called 'The Stone Age Boy' which is linked to our History topic this term.

In PSHE, we are exploring friendships and what it means to be a good friend.

History is our wider curriculum focus this half-term, and we are studying what life was like in the Stone Age.

In Science, we will be exploring and investigating all about light.

Computing is back on the weekly timetable and the children will be learning how to use Google Classroom and basic word processing skills.

In Spanish this half-term, we will be learning salutations and how to greet each other in Spanish.
PE sees the Y3 children learning basic skills and playing games of Tag Rugby.

Art sees the children studying the artist ‘John Constable’ and his picture ‘Seascape’.

3B/R's Special Mentions were: Grace and Charles

3P’s Special Mentions were: Ela B and Harry S

Well Done Y3 - Keep up the hard work !

Miss Brown, Miss Rooney & Mrs Pritchard

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574