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Summer 2 - Week 3 - Update

Summer 2 - Week 3 

Summer 2 – Week 2 Complete

What an amazing week we’ve had! The children have been to Mars and back – just kidding. They have, however, completed the STEM 2024 Mission to Mars project and what a success it was. We had four missions going on: Rocket Cars, Rockets, Parachutes and Shelter building. For year 3, this was a massive accomplishment as most of the children were working with different adults and children in school (some were unlucky and got stuck with Miss Brown and Mrs Pritchard). It has been wonderful to see the children develop new friendships and experience some more Rosehill Magic. The project was a roaring success and the year 3 children thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


  • We still have a number of our parents/carers who have not connected to our class dojo. This is a great resource for parents to see all the wonderful things our classes get up to whilst at school. Please check your emails and get in contact if you have any problems logging in. 
  • Monday 17th June is class photo day for your children.
  • Our 1st Rosehill Summer Fayre will be held on Friday the 21st June. Please check your emails and class dojo for updates and information as there are some changes to the school day. If you have any questions, please contact school directly or contact your child’s class teacher.
  • Sports day is on Tuesday the 18th June from 1pm. Please check your emails from school for more information.
  • Thank you to all the parents who have raised funds for the Y4 residential. It is greatly appreciated. There is still time to bring in sponsor money if you haven’t done so already.
  • All children need their PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday this week. We have had an increasing number of children not bringing kits into school. It is school policy for children to have a change of clothing for PE. Please make sure your child has the correct kit in school.
  • All children need their library books on Wednesday with reading journals. Reading journals should be in school every day along with a water bottle.  
  • We have a number of children coming to school in the incorrect uniform. Please can parent/carers ensure children are wearing the correct items. This information can be found on our website or by contacting the school office. 
  • The weather is very unpredictable at the moment, so politely ask that children come prepared with hats, water bottles, coats and appropriate footwear. 






This week's learning:


  • In English, the children will be writing up their letters.
  • In Maths, we will be learning all about time. If the children could be practising time at home and parents/carer challenging them on telling the time, it will benefit them and help with their learning.
  • In reading, we will be looking at non-fiction texts linked to our new Geography project the Amazon Rainforest.
  • In PSHE, we are continuing to learn about how we can keep ourselves safe.
  • We move onto Geography this half term and will be looking at the Amazon Rainforest and how unique it is.
  • In Science, we will be continuing our topic all about plants.
  • Music is back on the weekly timetable and the children will be warming up their vocal cords and learning a new song.
  • In RE this half term, we will be looking at Christianity and what this religion entails.

Miss Brown’s Special Mentions were: Jakub and Charlotte.

Mrs Pritchard’s Special Mentions were: Joshua A, Joshua T and Emily

Miss Brown’s Always Always children were: Aleiyah B and Daisy C

Mrs Pritchard’s Always Always children were: Jacob and Joseph


We have an excellent week and the children have worked their socks off. Next week, is equally as exciting with lots of amazing events. Keep your eyes peeled for updates from school via email, the school website and class dojo.

Miss Brown & Mrs Pritchard

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574