Weekly Update
Weekly Update - Autumn 2, Week 4
This week in Year 4 has been packed with engaging learning experiences, and the children have demonstrated incredible effort throughout.
The children explored the patterns in the 3, 6, and 9 times tables, while also strengthening their understanding of the 7 and 11 times tables.
In English, the children independently wrote and edited their narratives based on The Iron Man. Next week, they will focus on neatly finalising their stories.
We began analysing a poem about waterways in the UK before honing our inference and retrieval skills using the book The Rhythm of the Rain.
The children started their new unit on Dance this week.
The children planned an exciting experiment, which they will conduct next lesson, to determine which material serves as the best sound insulator.
The class conducted fieldwork to assess whether Rosehill is adequately prepared for flooding. They wrote letters to Mr Smith, highlighting areas that could be at risk during heavy rainfall.
This week, the children compared different religious perspectives on life after death.
The children began working on their greeting cards, which they will continue designing next week.
Special Mentions:
Congratulations to Carson and Lily (4H), and Freya and Kray (4P) for earning this week’s special mentions!
Always Children:
Well done to Jacob and Lalana (4H), and Pippa and Joshua (4P) for being our “Always Children” this week.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Piper & Mr Hampton