End of Autumn 1 Week 5 Messages and Updates
This week has been the best so far for Y5.
38 children were lucky enough to attend the Kingswood residential and had a great time - see the blog post below. The rest of the children worked hard in school to practise and then perform a play, showing their understanding of the Greek legend of Hercules and his 12 labours.
To top it all off, 5M won the attendance trophy for the week meaning that between them, Y5B and Y5M have won the attendance trophy 4 out of 5 weeks this year!
This week, the children have a special assembly with PC Paul on Monday around Halloween and firework safety. This means they will only need their P.E. kits on Thursday although we do ask them to be in school all week if possible. Earrings should be removed before school on Thursday please.
All children need their library books on Monday.
This week we will be having a huge push on Boomreader and seeing how many entries we can get over the course of the week.
Next week's learning:
- In maths, we will start looking at formal addition and subtraction.
- In English, we will continue learning about a new genre - recounts in the form of a letter.
- In reading, we will continue to analyse the story 'Malamander'.
- In history, we will learn about Alexander the great and question why he was considered great.
- In Spanish, we will continue to learn about pets.
- In computing, we will continue to learn about computer systems.
- In science, we will look at dissolving, mixtures and solutions.
- In P.E. we will continue working on our fitness.