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Improtant Staffing Update - Y3 & Y5

Dear parent/guardian,

I write to you with a combination of good and sad news relating to your child’s class for the Autumn term.

Year 3 Updates:

First of all, I share with you the good news that Miss Goodinson (formerly Spooner) returns after half term and her first full teaching day will be Friday of the first week back. Prior to this time, she will be checking up on the progress her children have made, their current levels and any additional information she may have missed while off school. I know she is really looking forward to seeing the children again and we are all pleased to see her return.

Secondly, I would like to give both credit and thanks to Mr Donnelly who has been teaching your children since September. There are often times in a school when unavoidably, you have to replace a teacher for a while however, it is rare to find and keep someone with the enthusiasm and commitment Mr Donnelly has shown and for this we are all incredibly grateful. The Year 3 Team moving forwards will be Miss Rooney and Mrs Goodinson So it’s welcome back Miss Goodinson and thanks a million to Mr Donnelly.

Year 5 Updates:

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Mrs Husthouse won’t be with us after half term due to a very sudden and serious health matter. Mrs Hursthouse was planning on staying up till Christmas ready for Miss Smith to take over as she simply adored teaching your children however, with deep regret, this will no longer be possible. I know this will be a great disappointment to your children and yourselves but the matter is completely out of anyone’s hands. With further regret, the nature of her condition means that she will be unable to come back in and say goodbye to the children as she will shortly be undertaking some essential treatment and must prioritise her health. She is heartbroken about this but is looking forward to visiting the school once she is able and I’m sure you will all join me in wishing her a speedy and full recovery. I will speak to the children personally on this matter first thing Tuesday morning. I’m sure you will join me in thanking Mrs Hursthouse for all she has done and her dedication to both the children and the school. She will be missed and has been a real asset - we hope to be working with her again in the future!

The only bit of good news I can bring you here is that Mr Donnelly (a teacher that has been working with us since September in Year 3) will be taking over as of Friday this first week for the rest of the Autumn term to replace Mrs Hurstouse. He has a great rapport with the children and I’m sure in the shadow of great sadness, this will be of some comfort to your children. Tuesday to Thursday this first week will be covered by a supply teacher.

Just a note on the residential to say that everything can go ahead as planned and not to worry about this. There is adequate staffing on the trip and at school for those who are not going. Myself, Miss Brown, Mrs Bourke, Mrs Eddison, Mr Wilkinson & Miss Stansfield will all be in attendance. We will also be joined by Miss Smith (New Y5 Teacher) later in the afternoon on day 1 and she will stay with the children for day 2 to help get to know them better in advance of her January start. Mr Donnelly will remain at school to teach anyone not on the trip. The Year 5 Team moving forwards will be Miss Brown and Mr Donnelly till Christmas and then Miss Brown and Miss Smith from January.

So it’s good luck and bye for now to Mrs Hursthouse and welcome to Year 5 for Mr Donnelly.

Finally, I am hopeful that this is the last staffing update I have to share with you relating to your child’s class teacher this year and that any subsequent changes in staffing are at more standard intervals moving forward. I apologise for the inevitable uncertainty this has caused but again, matters have been out of my hands. I take comfort in the quality of staff we have been able to provide, the strength of commitment they have made and the positive relationships they have forged with your children. Here is to a great Autumn 2 and in the case of Year 5, a fab residential too!

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Hayes


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    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574