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End of Spring 1 Week 2 Messages and Updates

After a bit of disruption thanks to the snow on the first day back, how lovely it is to be back at school and getting back into the swing of things with a full week under our belts!

It has been lovely to see the children settling back into their work this week: mastering multiplication and division strategies in maths; developing their own ideas for 'How to Train Your Dragon' themed stories in English and studying the differences between the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in history.

We were also very lucky this week to have Sarah back delivering our third 'Tech She Can' lesson which was all about how technology is being used in space exploration. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and got to work with Micro bits which was very interesting.


The children need their P.E. kits on Monday and Thursday next week although we do ask them to be in school all week if possible. Earrings should be removed before school on these days please. Monday's lesson will be an outdoor lesson, weather permitting, so please make sure the children have appropriate clothing (jogging bottoms, warm jumpers and trainers). 

All children need their library books on Monday.

We would really like to see the number of children logging their entries on Boomreader increase next week so for one week only, we will be awarding double dojos for anyone reading at home.

Next week's learning:
- In maths, we will continue looking at multiplying fractions by whole numbers
- In English, we will start writing our very own narratives based on 'How to Train Your Dragon'
- In reading, we will continue to analyse the story 'How to Train Your Dragon'
- In history, we will learn about the differences between the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
- In Spanish, we will continue learning about dates
- In computing, we will continue to learn about databases
- In science, we will continue learning about Earth and Space
- In P.E. we will continue working on our dance routines and start developing our football skills

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574