End of Autumn 2 Week 5 Messages and Updates
Assessment week has come to an end!
This week we carried out assessments in Reading, Maths and SPaG. All of the children tried their hardest, and we are so proud of all of them.
We have also been continuing our Christmas performance practice, which is coming along nicely!
The children need their P.E. kits on Monday and Thursday this week, although we do ask them to be in school all week if possible. Earrings should be removed before school on P.E. days please.
All children need their library books on Wednesday.
Our Christmas fair is on Thursday after school, so make sure to stop by!
Next week's learning:
- We will be continuing our Maths unit on fractions.
- We will be continuing our English unit on non-chronological reports.
- In PE we will continue building our netball and gymnastics skills.
- Lots of Christmas performance practice, including acting, singing and dancing!
- We will also be carrying out some arts and crafts in preparation for the Christmas fair on Thursday.