Summer Term 2, Week 5 Updates
We're going to be having a fantastic final week in Year 4.
Last week, we were so impressed by the children's focus and determination in their end of term assessments. They've made brilliant progress and we're really proud of their effort and mature attitude towards them.
This week, the children will be creating their final product in our Design & Technology project - their sandwich. We'll be making (and most importantly, sampling) our sandwiches on Tuesday and evaluating their taste and appearance.
Later in the week, the children will be having their dojo rewards. They can use the dojos they have earnt during this term, to spend on an end of term activity
Our English and maths lessons will be continuing as normal this week. In English, we are writing our final pieces of persuasive writing and in maths, we will be moving on from looking at time in maths, to learn about angles.