End of Summer 1 Week 4 Message and Updates

End of Summer 1 Week 4 Message and Updates
We've had a lovely sunny week in Year 5 with lots of exciting learning taking place!
All children need their PE kits for Monday and Wednesday.
All children need their library books on Thursday, along with reading journals.
Next week is the Y6 SATs. We may have break times at slightly different times next week to accommodate the SATs taking place - Good luck to our Y6's that have been working extremely hard!
Next week's learning:
- In Maths, we will continue our learning in position and direction.
- In English, we will edit and publish our own setting description based on the poem 'The Highwayman'.
- In Reading, we will continue to analyse the story 'Firework makers Daughter'.
- In History, we will continue to learn about the Shang Dynasty.
- In Spanish, we will continue to learn about our home.
- In Art, we will continue our learning about Claude Monet and watercolour art.
- In computing, we will continue to learn to create media graphics.
- In science, we continue to learn about life cycles.