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Spring 2 - Week 4 - Weekly update

Weekly update for Y3

  • Weekly Update for Y3

    Spring Term - Week 4 - Weekly Update
    This week we held our Spring Term disco. The children had a wonderful time and definitely knocked out some shapes on the dance floor. It was great to see so many children in attendance. World Book Day was also a roaring success and the children all looked fantastic in their costumes - well done everyone. 


  • We have now launched class dojo for parents to see all the wonderful things our classes get up to whilst at school. We still have a number of parents needing to connect to our classes (3P Mrs Pritchard and 3B Miss Brown). Please check your emails and get in contact if you have any problems logging in. 
  • Red Nose Day is this coming Friday 15th March. For a donation of £1, in order to raise money for a wonderful cause, the children are invited to swap out some parts of their uniform for something funny or something red. It could be your neatly brushed hair for crazy hair, your school top for your pyjama top, your trousers for a skirt or your school shoes for your welly boots! If a funny dress is not your thing, then swap out a part of your uniform for something red. The children are welcome to wear red noses too. Please check your emails for more information. 
  • It's been a busy week for residential preparations! The final medical forms are being collected, payments are coming in and food options were sent out to parents/carers. If you haven't registered your child's food options yet, please head on over to your emails and complete the google form.
  • All children need their PE kit on Thursday this week.
  • All children need their library books on Wednesday with reading journals. Reading journals should be in school every day along with a water bottle. 
  • In Design and Technology we will be tasting a variety of different salad items. If your child has any allergies or intolerances, could you please contact school before lunchtime on Monday 11th March 2024. 
  • This week's learning:
    - In Maths, we will be continuing our unit on fractions, exploring halves, quarters and thirds. 
    - In English, we will be starting our new genre of writing - an information leaflet. 

    - In Reading, we will be analysing a non-fiction text on famous European landmarks. If the children have any pictures of visiting such places, please email them. We would love to see them. 

    - In PSHE, we are continuing to learn about how we can keep ourselves healthy through food and diet.
    - In Geography, we will be learning about tourism and the impact of this around the world        - In RE, we will continue looking at the religion of Hinduism and the story of Rama and Sita.    - In Design technology, we will be starting our new Food unit. Please keep your eyes out for emails from your child's class teacher around allergies and taste testing. 

  • Congratulations to the following children who have been awarded a special mention this week.

From 3P 

Special Mentions - Joshua A and Lola

Always Children -  Olivia W and Freya

From 3B

Special Mentions - Lola and Pippa

Always Children - Aleiyah and Dennis 


We hope our lovely children have a restful and enjoyable weekend after a busy week at school. We've got some exciting things planned for next week, and we cannot wait to share them with you all. 

Miss Brown and Mrs Pritchard

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574